time to blow out the candles...

Today is the 15th April, which although may be an ordinary date for some, for me it is my blogiversary-
woo whooooo!

Precisely a year ago today, this little blog was born, and it has been thriving even since. I want to thank all of my amazing 629 followers for all their support, help and kindness that you have given this little blog in its one year running, and I couldn't be more grateful!

I feel like what started as just an outlet for me to freely express my makeup and beauty addiction, has transformed into a world where I can meet new people, learn so many new things, and generally have a great place to go and be proud of my work.

One of the main aspects of blogging that I love is meeting new people, and thank you to all the lovely girls I have met and spoke to on here! I especially want to thank...

Vivianna - She is almost my 'blogger big sister' and the first person I ever followed on Blogger, although her amazing blog makes me want to buy everything she posts about! :)

Nicola - She has been supportive of my blog since my very first post, and she is such a lovely girl!

Laura - Her blog is absolutely beautiful, and such a sweetheart too!

Fern - Again, a stunning blog, and so soooo nice!

Holly - Such a lovely, lovely girl, and looks good in every single lip colours she owns! :)

Check out all of their blogs, they are amazing!

And of course I want to thank YOU, just for reading my blog, without you I wouldn't be here! :)

If there's any requests or comments on what you would like to see in upcoming posts, don't hesitate to comment below... <3

Lets hope for another year blogging! ♥

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