here comes the sun, here comes the sun...

So Summer has finally hit England; the sun's shining, the birds are tweeting and the kids are out sunbathing, and I'm loving it.
Its time to crack out the fake tan, the ice creams and the... revision!?

Yes, that's right, GCSEs are just around the corner, so it looks like this half term will be filled with algebra, biology and past papers - whoop-de-do :|

Although I wont be having too much fun for the next two weeks, that doesn't mean I wont be enjoying the sunny sun sun! And with the outbreak of the sun, comes a whole new level of makeup. Summer brights, warm tans and coral lips are perfect for the even more perfect weather, and I've been cracking out the ol' UD Naked Palette to create some warm, shiny eye looks... 

Paired with glowy skin and MAC Shy Girl lipstick I love this oh so summery look!

What are you wearing on your face this summer?

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