my hair journey!

 My hair and I have a very fragile relationship.

Only recently has it reached a length which I deem suitable for my head after months and months of it being stuck at that 'awkward' length which takes forever to grow out.

About three years ago I chopped of my lovely, long hair to just above my shoulder, thinking it would make me look sophisticated and grown up, however it seemed to achieve just the opposite...


I absolutely hated it!
Short hair looks beautiful on so many people, however with fine, flat hair I was just not one of them! As soon as it reached my shoulder it was flicking out constantly and I wasted hours of my life straightening my unruly ends into place. All that heat on my hair did it nothing but damage and it has taken me years to restore it to its original healthy condition. Split and dry ends have plagued me all the way through trying to grow out my hair, and only recently have I discovered my miracle hair product, Aussie 3 Minute Miracle, review here.

As soon as I got the chop I knew I wanted long, luscious locks back, and my solution to this problem, influenced by my sister, was hair extensions. Clip-in ones of course, which as I was only about 13, did not match the colour of my hair one bit, oh the naivety of my youth! ;)

*Insert embarrassing picture of me in my mismatching hair extensions!*

After countless embarrassing moments of half the clips falling out at the worst times, and accidentally nearly burning them off with a soldering iron (whoops!) I eventually realised hair extensions were just not for me  and decided just to concentrate my efforts on growing my hair longer, naturally.

I've never dyed my hair (although I was considering ombre ends recently- I chickened out!) but I did have highlights a few years ago. To be honest they made no difference to my hair at all! I have naturally blonde-ish highlights in my hair and the ones my hairdresser put in for me just did not show up enough for me to even bother putting in a picture of me with them!

So after months of struggling to get it past the 'awkward' length of sitting right on my shoulders I have finally got it to a length I am reasonably happy with. Nowadays I wear it in a side parting, wavy and am on a strict heat ban to prevent any more of those pesky split ends!

I'm thinking of doing more 'hair' type posts in the next few weeks such as heat free styling and how to grow out your hair, would any of you be interested? And please post any of your hair journeys in the comments, I'd love to have a read!

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