Night and Day

I recently made this collage on Polyvore with some of my favourite items from Topshop at the moment. 
The whole outfit is something that I would love to wear out at the moment. In the day time, I would put it with the red and gold sandals and at night put those caramel coloured bad boy heels on. I'm not much of a lipstick girl but ever since I saw Reese Witherspoon on the most recent Avon advert working some gorgeous red lipstick, I thought I would give it all a go. So first of all I am exploring it through an imaginary world of Polyvore and eventually I will get the courage up to wear it myself. Are you guys lipstick wearers? In the day time I have chosen a soft peachy pink colour from the Topshop make up selection for a cute look and a night time I have decided to put something a bit more adventurous on like Reese In the advert. I think the two tone bag is stunning for both day and night and it is just the right size for carrying all your little nick nacks around! As this is my first time using Polyvore, I didn't have time to note down the prices but knowing Topshop at the moment, I know that no doubt I wouldn't be able afford it all at once, but maybe just aspire to buy little things at once. First of all, I really want the red blazer, I mean this is the first time in ages that I have seen a blazer that doesn't have crazy 60's shoulder pads in it and its in an awesome colour that I am loving right now, so its understandable that it is almost top of my wish list; especially as its summer coming up and i'm experimenting with brighter colours. Which is your favourite item from here? And do you like these neutral tones and the brighter shades together?

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